Wooden Planes

A Short History of Wooden Planes

Woodworking has been around since ancient times, and wooden planes have been used since the early days of woodworking. They have come a long way since then and are now one of the most used tools by woodworkers. In this article, we will discuss why wooden planes are still popular today, their history, types, and how to use them properly.

Wood Jointer Plane

History of Wooden Planes

Wooden planes have been around since ancient times and were first used in Egypt for smoothing furniture. They were also used in Europe throughout the Middle Ages for various purposes. The first modern wooden plane was invented in England in the late 1700s and was made from beechwood.

This type of plane was then improved upon over the years and eventually became the standard for all woodworking projects that required precise shaping and finishing. They were replaced by Transitional Planes (a mix of wood and steel) which were the precursors to the modern metal plane.

Types of Wooden Planes

There are several different types of vintage wooden planes. Each type has its own unique purpose, so it is important for woodworkers to pick one that met their needs. Many furniture and cabinet makers in the 1700s and 1800s made their own wooden planes.

Some common types include rabbet planes, shoulder planes, block planes, jack planes, plow planes, smooth planes, jointer planes, tongue-and-groove joiner planes, router planes and more!

Coffin Plane

Since the 1700s wooden smoothing planes have predominantly been ‘coffin shaped’ – wider in the middle and slightly rounded – making them more maneuverable.

How to Use Wooden Planes Properly

Using a wooden plane is not difficult but there are some tips you should follow to ensure accuracy when using one. First off make sure that you have selected the right type of plane for your project as each type has a specific purpose. Secondly make sure that you are using sharp blades as dull blades can create uneven surfaces which will result in poor results. Lastly always work with a steady hand as even slight movements or vibrations can cause irregularities when working with a wooden plane.

In conclusion, wooden planes have been around for centuries and remain a popular tool among woodworkers today due to their versatility and efficiency when it comes to creating precise shapes and finishes on pieces of woodwork. By understanding their history and various types available on the market today as well as following proper usage techniques you can ensure accuracy when using these tools which will result in better end results on your projects!